This Month Recommendation

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Breathing Exercise..

Kapalabhati is an exercise for the purification of the nasal passage and lungs. Though this is one of the six purificatory exercises (Kriyas) , it is a variety of Pranayama (breathing exercises).

This is especially used to control the movements of the diaphragm and to remove spasm in bronchial tubes. Consequently, persons suffering from asthma will find this very helpful. It also aids in curing consumption, removes impurities fo the blood, and tones up the circulatory and respiratory systems.
Kapalabhati is the best exercise to stimulate every tissue of the body. After and during the practice, a peculiar vibration and joy can be felt, especially in the spinal centers. When the vital nerve current is stimulated through this exercise, the entire spine will be like a live wire and one can feel the movement of the nerve current.
Great quantities of carbon dioxide gas are eliminated. Intake of oxygen makes the blood richer and renews the body tissues. Moreover, the constant movements of the diaphragm up and down act as a stimulant to the stomach, liver and pancreas.

Before learning some of the higher breathing exercises such as Bhastrika Pranayama, it is very important to master Kapalabhati; Bhastrika breathing is considered to be the best breathing exercise for awakening the spiritual power after the purification of the Nadis or nerves.


After taking a comfortable sitting position, preferably the lotus pose, take a few deep breaths.
See that the diaphragm is moving properly. During inhalation, the diaphragm descends and the
abdomen is pushed out. During exhalation, the diaphragm pushes the lungs up and the abdomen goes toward the spine. This constant up-and-down movement of the diaphragm throws the air in and out. Here more attention is focused on exhalation than inhalation.

Sudden contraction of the abdominal muscles raises the diaphragm and in turn a volume of air is forced out of the lungs. This is an inward stroke of the abdomen. As soon as the air is thrown out, relax the abdominal muscles, which in turn allows the diaphragm to descend. As the diaphragm
comes down, a volume of air automatically rushes in. Here, inhalation is passive and exhalation active.
Start one round of this exercise with ten or fifteen expulsions. At the end of ten expulsions, take a deep inhalation and hold the air as long as possible. This will add its oxygen value and bring a peculiar, pleasant vibration throughout the body, as though you are bathing every tissue of the body with energy. A few days' practice will convince you of its wonderful,
stimulating sensation.

Practice three rounds in the beginning, each round consisting of ten expulsions, and gradually increase the number of rounds to five or six. After a few weeks' practice, increase the expulsion to twenty or twenty five. Between successive rounds, normal respiration is allowed to give the needed rest.

During the practice, concentrate on the solar plexus and eventually the nervous system will become spiritually active. This will be manifested by a throbbing sensation in the spine and a lightness throughout the entire body.

This page is an excerpt from the best-seller "The
complete illustrated book of Yoga"
by Swami Vishnu-devananda.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Find Back The Inner Child.....

(Quoted From Sri Sri )

When we become like children (soul energy), then we realize that we have greater power (back to the source of soul). It is  within each and everyone. Realizing this, is most beautiful. Beauty is not in clothes.
It is in the inner quality. Appearance is beautiful, but if anger, jealously or greed finds a place, then it reflects in the personality, and all the beauty is lost.

How to get back to that beauty that we are born with? Go anywhere, to the North, South, West or East, one finds every child beautiful. Children radiate joy and love. As we become adults, we learn skills and gain abilities but we somewhere miss maintaining the inner beauty, that spark of love in our life.

Can we maintain those powerful skills and yet retain that beauty we were born with? I would say yes, that is what The Art of Living is all about -

Making life a celebration; dream about a stress-free, violence-free society, disease-free body, confusion-free mind and sorrow-free soul. Tell me who doesn’t want all this? It is possible. In the last 30 years of The Art of
Living, we have seen that everybody needs love in every corner of this planet. And that is what we spread.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sri Sri Yoga ...A Totally New Experience

Well, again it happen so spontaneously that I signed up for Sri Sri Yoga course yesterday. Initially my intention is to get more information about Basic Part I course. But in the recommendation of the person in charge, I signup for the course immediately since it's 1st day of the course. Well, I felt abit reluctant and my heart is full of questions about the course. How's the class being conducted ? How's different it is from my current yoga class that I am attending now ? Is it much difficult compare to my current yoga class. Well, I told myself to just open your heart and observe with open mind, without any comment.
Sometimes you really can see a person soul through his/her eyes. And you know that person is really having the same soul spirit as you and nothing more. Eyes really don't tell any lies at all. I met with the teacher there before the class and at the first sight I really catch a glimpse of her soul, sparkling with life passion and some other things which I might not have the ideas of.

The students gradually came in and the class start abit late. At the beginning of the class, the teacher request us to learn a new sanskrit word. I have no idea how to spell but it reads like "SanghatGaTuan", meaning nice to meet you. After some socialize activities, the teacher start the breathing & yoga exercise.

Soft and gentle, these are the words I used to describe Sri Sri Yoga. The way the teacher use a soft and flowing voice tone to conduct the class is so soothing. It encourage the imagination in a person as well. There are 2 teacher, one's speak in mandarin, the other one try to translate in english. Both having the nicest vioces that I have ever heard.

It's a totally new experience for me. All the while I am feeling my body muscle are so tense and tight. And all the while I have treated my body too harsh during the yoga session.

I follow the instruction closely. I really can feel the flow of my breath gently with the background music being play. After some guided breathing exercises, I can feel my pelvics floor gentle softhen and the energy flow much more obvious.

The way the class being conducted also full of funs and laughter. I guess this is the 1st not so serious and humorous class that I have ever attended. Anyway, maybe me myself is just too serious in most of the time. And I guess I should learn how to always put on smile on my face as what the teachers told us to do so when we do the poses. And this is the part where I really laught out with the rest.

I never know that there are such a great place for people from all walks of life, get together and chit chat about life. I never know that life can be so full of fun and humor with the talks from those eldest and youngest. I guess I close my heart for such a long long time and never open up. Only now that I start to tell myself I should open my heart to see all these beautiful people and things around. I was touched by what I observed before, during and after the class.

I can sense why the teachers can conduct and tell the instruction so gentle so soft and smooth, because they speak from their inner heart, the inner soul, and really share out they joy of life and moment. The see each individual as a soul, rather than a person with his/her own physical looks.

I feel the energy flow softly in my body, especially my hands, become softer and after the class that night, my back was totally relaxed and I slept like a baby without those back pain.

Open up yourself and the world will dance in fron of you and you shall rejoice with the world !

Namaste !


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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sole Versus Soul....

What a such co-incident that sole read same sound as soul. It triggered me to think of sole is actually similar to soul during my yoga class when the yoga teacher said "Always make sure your sole is grounded firmly on the floor and pay attention to it whenever you walk, stand or even sit. By doing this,  it makes you feel more grounded, not floating.  I feel much more strength during that day class compare to last few weeks. My mind less floating I guess, feel more grounded after riding a big waves of emotional changes. Learning how to let go of something. I just want to feel my breath go in and out without thnking of anything. Finally the sea wave become calm and soothing.

I have posted an article about Intention and desire which is addressed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It helps to settle my desire inside my heart and how to work towards my dream. Dragging too much by the life in a pupet form really makes me sick & tired all the time, as though as sleep without sleep, eating without eating, hearing without hearing, sensing without sensing. That's why I wrote post this. Living without soul but only with the body is a dead life just like living as a pupet with string attached with and control by others.

I am having the similar thoughts & feeling as last year. I am still stick back to my old pattern of thoughts & living. My soul
still trapped inside but trying hard and scream loud to come out eagerly. I surrender myself to Him with my intention/dream.

Else I would have become a dead leaf that flying down to the ground and waiting to be eaten by the time and go back to the soil where I belongs.

Namaste !

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Seeing Hearing Nothing....

Seeing without seeing...
Hearing without hearing...
Sensing without sensing...
Moving without moving...
But perform blessing towards your heart and your soul fully without any failing.

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Desire & Intention...

(Quoted from : Sri Sri Ravi Shankar blog post)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
There are two schools of thought.
One is you visualize dream and work for it. Other school of thought says surrender everything to God, whatever God gives you is the best, and God will take care of everything for you. Where is the compatibility? They appear to be completely opposite. One is your own visualization, your own dream and your perseverance, and another is having trust in God and leaving everything on God. They appear to be incompatible but I would say they are very much compatible. It is good
to have an intention or a goal. You don’t keep on visualizing your goal 24*7, but continuing to work for that, you leave it to the Divine. Only the combination of two will work.

It is beautifully described in Scriptures: You take a vision or goal,
and then you offer it to the Divine while working for that – “This is
what I want and you know what is best for me. If this or anything
better, I am ready to accept.”

Sometimes you don’t know what you want. If you know what you want, it
is not difficult to get it. Half the time we are unsure of what we
want. Often you find if you are persistent to get something, you don’t
want the same thing the next week, the next month or the next year. So,
before you take an intention, you expand your awareness.

So, put an intention in the universe - I want this or anything better.

Now, what is the difference between a desire and an intention? Suppose
you want to go to Mumbai from Bangalore. You buy a ticket and travel
for around three hours and go there. But you don’t keep chanting in
your mind all this time that you want to go to Mumbai and you are going
to Mumbai. You may even land up in a mental Hospital like this! Desire
is the feverishness that clogs on to an intention. An intention is a
desire free from feverishness. And then working towards your intention,
this faith is to be there whatever nature brings back is for my growth.

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