This Month Recommendation

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Women and Leadership Part II - Baby Boomer Leadership Style

(Taken From

Last month we began the series by presenting thehistory of women’s movement into leadership positions. Our focus onleadership now shifts to leadership styles and the difference in the
approach of men and women to the task of leading. One thing that became clear as we developed this segment is that the traits we see in leaders and the approaches to leadership challenges are common among both men and women. The difference is not in the traits of being a leader but
in how they are expressed.

The research into what constitutes good leadership identified a series of attributes that are found in both men and women leaders. Three of the most critical of these attributes are internal and appear to form the basis of the attributes that are expressed in their external manner.
These external expressions are the reasons that why men and women are viewed as being so different in the way they lead. This article will discuss these traits and discuss differences and similarities as well as provide examples of how this plays out in organizations today.

As we discussed in the first article, an individual’s management style comes from the culmination of society norms and life experiences as well as from an individual’s intellectual capacity and drive. In discussing leadership traits we must understand the generational norms that leaders grew up with and the role they play in making leaders what they are today.

Today’s leaders are part of the Baby Boomer generation; the large population of individuals born between 1946 and 1964. For these individuals, leadership was clearly defined as a “man’s’ prerogative learned from parents who set optimistic expectations for their sons and lower, more traditional expectations for their daughters. From cowboy shows where the male hero arrived
just in time to save the damsel in distress to the war hero movies, the men were tough take-charge individuals who didn’t worry about others concerns but charged full steam ahead to win the prize. The women on the other hand were there to provide comfort to not only the leaders but to bring the rest together in support of the leader’s decisions.

While intellectually equal, women often were placed in the position of working to support getting the sons through college since sending daughters to college was a waste of money because they would end up getting married and never have to worry about competing in a man’s world. Despite these societal norms, many female “baby boomers” did achieve degrees in higher education and entered the work force in large numbers as inflation drove the need for more family income just to survive. Ultimately these individuals raised in a society where there
was distinct male and female roles, began to challenge each other for leadership positions and the “war of sexes” emerged; a battle it seems
we are still fighting today.

The internal leadership attributes common to both men and women are Leadership Expectation; Leadership Legitimacy and their Internal Focus.
  • Leadership Expectation
Because today’s leaders were raised in the era of “heroes” and male leadership, they have an internal expectation that they will advance to a leadership role. As a result they tend to express more confidence in themselves in subordinate roles and are not hesitant to step into
smaller leadership opportun ities. This is expected of them just as they expect that opportunities will come their way.

Women on the other hand do not have this built in expectation. They are most likely
to see themselves as the “right hand man”, providing details, direction and support as the male leads the task force or mission. When an opportunity for leadership comes along they may at first shrink from taking it on, but once accepted, approach the task in a very different
way. Women do not expect to be chosen as a leader.
  • Leadership Legitimacy
Since the leadership function has been “expected” by men when it occurs, they have no doubt that the choice made is a legitimate one. Typical announcements of male leadership choices are made through company-wide emails or memos which contain few, if any supporting comments as to why this particular individual was chosen. When accepting these new roles
men focus on the attainment of the goals they have set out to achieve such as “getting the team winning again”.

The same sense of legitimacy is felt within the individuals who will be lead by this new male leader. And while there may be some comments here and there about how someone else would have been a better choice, these comments quickly subside as changes take place and work is assigned. New male leadership rarely is questioned or requires the endorsement of
executive management to be perceived as legitimate in an organization.

The opposite is frequently true for women. The announcement of their advancement
into a leadership role is not an expectation of women or viewed within themselves as their “right’. Women frequently express how hard they have worked and what they have accomplished in order to justify why they were selected for the position despite the fact that others may see the selection as positive and legitimate. When accepting these roles women tend to explain and/or justify why they were chosen as a statement of what they plan to achieve.

In addition to this internal justification, women more frequently require external
endorsements in support of their selection as leaders. While individuals within the organization typically accept new male leaders, women appear to need a higher level or external male figure to reassure the staff that the selection of a female is the right decision.
  • Internal Focus
Every individual has an internal focus that, in part, drives the decisions they make and the opportunities they pursue. This internal focus appears to be even greater in individual who strive to become leaders.
For men this internal focus is usually on themselves. This is not to say that male leaders are selfish or narcissistic, lack empathy or are concerned only about themselves. Instead it is how they process information and make decisions. They are concerned about ensuring the
goals they have set are achieved; that the necessary steps are taken to move forward or reach a level of excellence. This motivation also brings along those that follow them and we only have to look at coaching awards or recipients of awards for achieving excellence to
understand how valuable this attribute is.

Women on the other hand are focused on the “we”. Life experiences and training has programmed them to believe that collective achievements are better and in the long run more rewarding. It is the “comfort” of knowing that everyone experienced the “thrill of victory” that drives the way they process information and make decisions. The best example of this attribute is the way men and women describe how a team works. Men will
most commonly say that a team works best when each individual part of it has a job to do and if they do that job the team wins. Women on the other had will say that each member of the team is there to support the other and that only by covering the weakness of any individual will the team, as a whole, win.

Understanding these internal attributes provides some insight into the difference between men and women leaders. It’s what we see, hear and experience on the outside that creates the perception of an individual’s ability to lead. Our r esearch has shown that there are also three distinct external traits that can be used as a valid comparison between men and women and how
they lead. These are Leadership Style, Leadership Communication and Emotion.
  • Leadership Style
The easiest way to describe this is to say that men are “tough’ and women are
‘soft’ and while this seems way to simplistic to be meaningful there is truth in this statement. Men, having been raised in an environment of heroes that conquer evil and triumph over unimaginable obstacles because they were tough both physically and mentally, tend to mimic
that role in their approach to many leadership challenges. In addition their staff appears to see them that way as well. As an example, it is not uncommon for individuals to hesitate to ask for, or assume a negative response, when time off is needed while a big project is
underway. Many believe that it would be seen as a sign of weakness and be reflected in their performance evaluation.

Soft leadership styles are most commonly associated with women. Women’s internal perception of their societal role is that of providing comfort and guidance for making the best decisions, not directing it.
Challenges are met with a controlled response that is determined by the individuals of the group and problems are to be shared among all. Staff members who face the problem of time off or other personal issues rarely hesitate to make the request of a female leader because they are confident that it will be granted and that the work will be picked up
by members of the team.
  • Leadership Communication and Presentation
Men and women frequently communicate using different styles. When communicating
decisions that have been made or giving presentations to audiences, men generally have a more direct way of getting to the point. Women however feel the need to explain or to justify the decision they have made. They often feel compelled to look for an understanding of the problem as part of the solution and seek eye contact from their
listeners as a sign that their rationale is understood. Men typically do not have this need and because of those internal traits are not concerned that the rationale is understood or have the need to confirm this through eye contact. After all they were put in the position to make these decisions.
  • Emotions in Leadership
While it has often been said that women are too “emotional” to provide good leadership, the truth is that all leaders are emotional. It is just that the “emotions” displayed have been divided into good and bad emotions due to society’s perception of them. One thing is certain; that good leaders are passionate about achieving their goals, changing
things to reflect the “good” they want and passion is necessary to sustain the drive this requires.

Women, when displaying this passion, are more likely to do it through the use of tears; expressions of disappointment or a plea for support and more effort. Men on the other hand tend to express their passion in terms of anger or dismissal of individuals who have failed to achieve what was expected of them. However all of these expressions are reflections of the passion, concern and hope that are a critical part of

All of t he attributes discussed in this article have been found in the workplace but are they necessarily common in the mortgage industry? Canvassing both men and women have shown us that they have indeed played out in the mortgage environment and continue to be so today. JoEllen Abate-McEntire, a credit risk management leader for many years, stated in one discussion that when she has lead group discussions with a male co-leader “the participants
would downplay or ignore her suggestions only to have them been seen as inspirational” when presented by her male colleague. Other individuals also expressed similar experiences as well as incidents that provide strong supportive evidence that the attributes described above are
alive and well in our industry today. Jo Ellen also added “that all too frequently we see women attempting to lead by copying men’s styles. When this happens it is not uncommon for them to be viewed as moody, emotional or worse.” And copying styles is not limited to women alone. Men, whether just copying as a reaction to criticism or just letting their natural tendencies show, are adopting some of the variousattributes demonstrated by strong female leaders. Such activities as team meetings which allow all members of the group to express thoughts
and ideas; seminars on understanding how we individually process information; and the growth of individual leadership coaching often reflect what women leaders have been proposing for years, that collaboration and open communication is far more powerful than one
person making a decision that may not necessarily benefit the majority.

But what about the future; there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that this industry is presently undergoing significant changes. These changes include how the industry is run;
corporately, individually and from a regulatory and consumer perspective. How then must leadership change? Is the answer to chose only men or only women to lead? The answer to that question is thatit’s going to take a combination of both men and women leaders andtheir identified strengths and qualities.

Today’s men and women leaders do not need to conform to each other’s styles and in fact if they did it would probably result in less effective leadership overall. We need to collectively think about how we can be the leaders for the next generations. We need to enhance communication skills; bridge the gap in understanding how each group processes information and combine these
skills sets and traits into a common leadership style; one that will fill today’s management offices as well as identifies what will be needed in the future. We all need to develop sensitivity to the social settings in which staff was raised and what that means in terms of how we lead and how the leaders of the future are developed. The reality is that our best leaders combine the most effective of these traits and use them in the situation which best fits the need. The combination of providing explanations for why things need to be done with the passion of caring that they do get done is by far much more effective.

Fortunately for the industry we are already seeing this happen. Patricia Thornton, an experienced mortgage professional has seen this in action. She has told us that “when
leading groups she has been able to explain the group’s needs in such a way that both the men and women follow her direction with no question.” Cindi Dixon , a long time leader in the industry tells us that "management roles in the lending industry have changed drastically over the past
two decades. Opportunities for women leaders have expanded as a result of their hard work and efforts and the doors opened for them by their male counterparts. A recent conversation with a former Governor for the Mortgage Banker's Association who has spent over 30 years heading
national mortgage operations reinforced this insight. He attributed his success to the women executives he has mentored and recognized that they have provided a new, more holistic approach to managing in the industry. We see much more collaboration today on reaching goals that are open and inclusive. When all talents are being fully utilized, regardless of gender, our collective goals are much easier to achieve.”

But is what we see happening today sufficient or is there more work to be done? One
of the most critical things we need to acknowledge is that beginning in 2012 there will be more managers that are not part of the baby boomer generation. These Gen X and Gen Y individuals grew up in a social environment that was very different than ours because we made it so.
We are the ones who told both our sons and daughters that they could be “anything they wanted to be”, that there were no pre-set standards or expectations or that the command and control way to manage was best. Now we must find a way to manage them and educate them in a way that will survive and exceed our management abilities. These generational issues and the “new” management approaches is the topic of the next Women in Leadership article.

About the Authors
Perino, CPCC, ACC Now an executive coach, is a 21-year veteran of the
residential mortgage industry in national sales management capacity for
property valuation and residential mortgage service providers.

Rebecca Walzak, CQM Now a consultant in
the area of operational risk management she is a 30-year veteran of the
residential mortgage industry in risk management, operations and
servicing environments.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

10 Great Careers for Self-Driven People

ow many of you actually know what you want to be when you grow up? I know people in their 40s and 50s who are still trying to figure that out.

Come to think of it, the whole idea of somehow magically discovering what you’re meant to do with your life is more or less a roll of the dice.That’s the way it was for me, that’s for sure. From high-tech engineering to sales to marketing to executive management and finally,
after more years than I care to count, to this. I’ve found myself.

If you think that’s a crazy way to get here from there, I couldn’t agree more. So I’m going to do for you what nobody did for me: help you figure out what you might want to be when you grow up, if not sooner.

If you’re stuck in a corporate or office job and you’re miserable because it drives you nuts or it just doesn’t feel right, let me ask you a few questions:Are you competitive by nature?
  • Are you self-driven, achievement oriented?
  • Do you crave frequent feedback or attention?
  • Are you sort of creative, intuitive, inspired by odd things others think are dumb or trivial?
  • Do you like to do things your own way, carve your own path, draw the world with your own colored crayon?
  • Are you a little compulsive, anxious, hyper, maybe a touch of ADD or Asperger’s Syndrome?
If any of that sounds like you, then career-wise, you’re not there yet. To help you get there, here are 10 Great Careers for Self-Driven People.

None of that niche stuff - like racecar driver - where there’s 100 jobs in the whole world. These are real careers that just might fit you like
your own skin.

  1. Chef, cook, bar tender. Talk about adrenaline, fierce competition, fast paced, all-consuming, short feedback loop … a dream job, but only for certain types. And no, pastry chef doesn’t count; that’s a whole different personality type.
  2. Sales. What some people call sales these days, I call spam. Not that. I’m talking about real sales people who actually build lasting business relationships. It’s incredibly fulfilling if you can live with the lumpiness of high-commission compensation.
  3. Executive management. You think I’m kidding? Nope, this is for real. Believe it or not, some people are actually more adept, less stressed, and decidedly happier the higher they climb up the corporate ladder. It was definitely true for me. And it’s never a dull moment. Always a fire to put out or a crisis to deal with. Thrilling. Seriously.
  4. Marketing. Just like with sales, not all that B2B crap that fills up your inbox. I’m talking about serious, hub-of-the-wheel marketers who work on products and positioning. Check
    out Marketing is Dead - Long Live “Real Marketing” - that’ll get you there.
  5. Entrepreneur. This one sort of goes without saying, but almost any kind of entrepreneur fits the bill. I don’t know if Gen-Yers are the entrepreneurial generation because of how they grew up or because there are no jobs; just be careful of the whole Internet entrepreneur thing. There’s a dark, boring side you won’t enjoy.
  6. Anything in investment banking. Equity or bond trader, broker, analyst, high-net worth financial planning, all that stuff. Yeah, I know, Wall Street’s got a bad rep these days. Ask me if I care. Bottom line: careers don’t get any more competitive or fast-paced.
  7. Agent. Talent, literary, sports, any kind of agent. Fun stuff.
  8. Blogger. If you can write, have something to say and a unique voice to say it with, and love attention and real-time feedback, blogging is the way to go. Granted, it’s hard to make a living at it, so it’s more of a slash job - for people who do more than one thing.
  9. Wine-maker or brewer. If you can handle the chemistry, the meticulous scientific nature and the Zen component, you do get to do sort of carve your own path and try lots of different ideas and methods.
  10. Social media marketing.
    Is this really a career? I’m not entirely sure. In fact, I’m sort of leaning towards it being one of those things you can’t make money doing. Still, a helluva lot of people are doing it and they seem to be having fun, so I figured I’d throw it in.
That’s all I can think of right now. So, what did I miss?

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The 10 Rules of Great Groups

The other day I was listening to Soul Sacrifice from Santana’s remarkable first album, c. 1969. I’ve probably listened to it athousand times, but I was still blown away by how tight the band was. All I could think of was what it must feel like when a band jams together for the first time and everyone realizes there’s magic in the room.

But the concept of “Great Groups” - where the whole is infinitely greater than the sum of the parts - goes way beyond Santana, The Allman Brothers, or The Beatles, for that matter. This rare, once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon can occur wherever there’s challenge, opportunity, and creative talent.

Like its topic, there’s an exceptional, one-of-a-kind book that describes - in dramatic and insightful fashion - the conditions under which great groups occur. It’s called Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration, by Warren Bennis and Patricia Ward Biederman.

The premise is straightforward enough. “In our society, leadership is too often seen as an inherently individual phenomenon.” We hoist Apple’s Steve Jobs up on a superstar-CEO pedestal, but the book reveals a relatively unexplored talent of Jobs - his ability to inspire groups of developers to great heights. For example, he told the first Macintosh design team that they were there to “make a dent in the universe.” And they did.

The book chronicles such diverse groups as the Disney team that developed the first full-length animated film (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), Xerox PARC Palo Alto Research Center’s development of the first personal computer, Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” group that built the first U.S. jet fighter in 180 days, and the Manhattan Project.

The first chapter provides an inspiring challenge for business leaders and corporate managers everywhere:

What lessons do Great Groups have for our workplaces,where so many people feel stifled, not stimulated? Look how hard peoplein great groups work, without anyone hovering over them. Look how morale soars when intelligent people are asked to do a demanding but worthy task and given the freedom and tools to do it. Imagine how much richer and happier our organizations would be if, like great groups they were filled with people working as hard and as intelligently as they can, too caught up for pettiness, their sense of self grounded in the bedrock of talent and achievement.

Here are 10 Rules of Great Groups (from the book’s original 15):

  1. Great groups and great leaders create each other
  2. Every great group has a strong leader
  3. The leaders of great groups love talent and know where to find it
  4. Great groups think they are on a mission from God
  5. Great groups see themselves as winning underdogs
  6. Great groups always have an enemy
  7. People in great groups have blinders on
  8. Great groups are optimistic not realistic
  9. In great groups, the right person has the right job
  10. The leaders of great groups give them what they need and free them from the rest

I’ve had one experience with a great group. It met all the above
criteria and it changed my life. How about you? Share your story and an
insight or two.

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10 Things That Good Bosses Do

As we discovered in 7 Signs You May Be a Bad Manager, bosses aren’t usually aware that they are bad bosses. The fact is that nobody wants to believe they’re the problem. Nevertheless, there’s a bell curve for all things involving people, which means there are few really bad bosses, few really good bosses, and most of you fall somewhere in the middle.

To me that says, for the vast majority of you, there’s lots of room for improvement. So, if you’re not exhibiting any of the 7 Signs, that’s great, pat yourself on the back. Still, if you really want to up your management game, maybe even vault into the executive or ownership ranks someday, you’d better start doing at least a few of these 10 Things That Good Bosses Do.

Incidentally, this isn’t from some academic study. These are real attributes of real bosses, culled from decades of observation, which motivate and inspire employees to perform at their best.

  1. Pay people what they’re worth, not what you can get away with. What you lose in expense you gain back several-fold in performance.
  2. Take the time to share your experiences and insights. Labels like mentor and coach are overused. Let’s be specific here. Employees learn from those generous enough to share their experiences and insights. They don’t need a best friend or a shoulder to cry on.
  3. Tell it to employees straight, even when it’s bad news. To me, the single most important thing any boss can do is to man up and tell it to people straight. No BS, no sugarcoating, especially when it’s bad news or corrective feedback.
  4. Manage up … effectively. Good bosses keep management off employee’s backs. Most people don’t get this, but the most important aspect of that is giving management what they need to do their jobs. That’s what keeps management away.
  5. Take the heat and share the praise. It takes courage to take the heat and humility to share the praise. That comes naturally to great bosses; the rest of us have to pick it up as we go.
  6. Delegate responsibility, not tasks. Every boss delegates, but the crappy ones think that means dumping tasks they hate on workers, i.e. s**t rolls downhill. Good bosses delegate responsibility and hold people accountable. That’s fulfilling and fosters professional growth.
  7. Encourage employees to hone their natural abilities and challenge them to overcome their issues. That’s called getting people to perform at their best.
  8. Build team spirit. As we learned before, great groups outperform great individuals. And great leaders build great teams.
  9. Treat employees the way they deserve to be treated. You always hear people say they deserve respect and to be treated as equals. Well, some may not want to hear this, but a) respect must be earned, and b) most workers are not their boss’s equals.
  10. Inspire your people. All the above motivate people, but few bosses have the ability to truly inspire their employees. How? By sharing their passion for the business. By knowing just what to say and do at just the right time to take the edge off or turn a tough situation around. Genuine anecdotes help a lot. So does a good sense of humor.
All this adds up to an environment where people feel appreciated, recognized, challenged, and appropriately compensated. So what do you think? How do you measure up on the good boss scale?

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10 Business and Leadership Lessons - From Machiavelli

In any case, he predates us all by a few centuries, which makes these 10 Business and Leadership Lessons from Machiavelli remarkable, to say the least:

  1. “Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.” As I wrote just the other day, “Leaders must learn to adapt in a fast-changing world to avoid corporate or political disaster.” That is, after all, why most companies fail.
  2. “Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.” An entrepreneur’s first and most important goal is to find a unique and innovative solution that solves a big customer or market problem. Without obstacles, there are no opportunities. And those same obstacles provide barriers to competitors, down the road.
  3. “Never was anything great achieved without danger.” I’ve often said that willingness to take risks is a critical success factor. In Irreverent Career Advice for Up-and-Comers, I encourage young folks to, “Take big risks … now!” since, “It gets much harder as you get older and begin to ‘acquire’ things you don’t want to risk losing.”
  4. “Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great.” Finding your passion is not only the key to happiness, but also the key to business success. As Apple CEO Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone
    else’s life. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Amen.
  5. “I’m not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it.” Most of you know that I abhor the status quo. In Why Skeptics Make Great Leaders, I wrote, “Cynics question common wisdom and those in authority. [They] aren’t just okay with the status quo. [They] seek a better way to do things. [They] break rules and break molds.”
  6. “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”
    Weak leaders surround themselves with weak lieutenants. Strong leaders always hire the best at what they do … assuming they can afford it.
  7. “The distinction between children and adults, while
    probably useful for some purposes, is at bottom a specious one, I feel.
    There are only individual egos …”
    In Are You a Dysfunctional Manager?
    we discuss how dysfunctional managers get stuck in one stage of human development and “look just like ordinary adults, but actually behave a lot more like children, acting out, throwing tantrums, and generally making life miserable for everyone around us.”
  8. There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. So true. It’s also true of startups, mega-mergers, and big corporate change initiatives.
  9. “The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.” I’ve always favored decisive action versus over-planning which, in dysfunctional organizations, often results in analysis paralysis.
  10. “The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.” Regarding Google’s recent announcement that co-founder Larry Page will become CEO, I concluded that Founders Do Make Good CEOs … When They Grow Up. We’re all getting older, but are we also becoming wiser? Let’s hope so.

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It’s Not How Smart You Are, It’s How Motivated You Are

So, there’s good news for the common person: It’s not about your innate intelligence, it’s about how motivated you are. Or, more likely a combination of the two.

We’ve known for years that people with high IQs do better in school (duh) and work, but it turns out that what an IQ test is measuring may not just be intelligence, but how motivated you are.

Angela Lee Duckworth, from the University of Pennsylvania, has found that intelligence may just be overshadowed by motivation in IQ testing and general success in life.

She looked at films of 12 year old boys taking IQ tests. While the test results were able to predict success (or not so successful behavior, like prison) 12 years later, the tests were given one-on-one, orally and videotaped.

Duckworth recruited three independent researchers to review the footage for signs of low motivation, such as refusing to take part, or wanting the session to end. The team found that boys with lower IQ scores were also less motivated when they took the test, and their degree of motivation also predicted the course of their lives. Accounting for motivation weakened the link between IQ and life-success, especially for employment and criminal convictions.

So, what does this mean for you and your career? You may not be able to change your genetic intelligence level, but you sure as heck can change your motivation.My BNET Colleagues have some great suggestions for increasing your motivation, and therefore your chances at success.

Jeff Haden writes:

Don’t let today be a day you will look back and regret.
Whatever you’ve been planning, whatever you’ve imagined, whatever
you’ve dreamed of — get started on it today. If you want to start a business, take the first step. If you want to change careers, take the first step. If you want to expand or enter a new market or offer new products or services, take the first step. Get started. Do something. Do anything.

This BNET Video, with Rob McKelvey, explains how to maintain motivation.

And Steve Tobak tells managers what employees need to be motivated.

  • their work is appreciated, recognized, and challenging;
  • they’re compensated appropriately;
  • their management is competent, hard working, and doesn’t have its hand in the cookie jar, more or less.

Whether you are an individual contributor that wants to push yourself forward, or a manager who wants success for herself and her team, you’re not stuck based on what nature gave you. Increase your motivation and increase your chances at success.

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