This Month Recommendation

Thursday, April 16, 2009

When All Human Made Things Gone...

What will happen if things that build by human being, such as skycrapper, bridge, houses, roads, streets lamps, machinery, electronics devices, vechicles.. ? will the world become dark without the lights that we used to ? Sunlight and moon light will be the world only source of light.

Imagine a world without the noices from the planes, train or honking cars. No noises from ringing phones, no air conditioner roaming sounds, no keyboard typing or mouse clicks sound, how will it feel ?

Everyone will just focus on interaction with other human being, and sharing information freely and cheerfully. Everyone can find a quiet & peaceful moment for themself, regardless of where they are. Becauase the world are full of things that created by highest power, rather than human being. Look at those trees, rivers, mountain, clear blue sky with floating clouds, flowers, rains, fishes, butterfly, each of this is full of its own beauty and liveliness. You will full of inspiration by just taking a look at it.
You will enjoy each everyday fully even though you don't have your car, phone or your laptop to bother you.

Isn't that a heaven that we all waiting for ? I remember there was a movie before, played by Robin William, 'What Dream May Come True'. I really impressed by the way the heaven scene showed in the movie. There's a scene on hell as well. Both are very very contrast with each other. It about after life for man that trying to save his wife from hell due to her commit suicide act.

There was a scene where Robin William trying to walk through a meadow, which actually exist in her wife painting, all those things looks to vivid and alive. Can it be the same too for everything that surrounding us such as trees, grasses, flowers..I like to expand my imagination til no limit.

These few days feeling an urge to pick up paiting again. The sky getting more and more beautiful each every day. The sky showing me its greatest showcase that makes me want to paint it and frame it so that i can view it even it's not there.

Namaste !

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