This Month Recommendation

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cycle Of Life

Life should be full of cherish moments, rather than dullness. And it all depends on how your reaction to the life event that matter. If you are not mindful enough or not aware of your surrounding, then things will just flow away without your notice and a cherish moment turn up to be meaningless to you or you have no feeling at all when facing it.

If you notice the movement of the sky clouds, that means you are mindful enough. If you notice the fallen of the leaves, then you are mindful enough.
If you are enjoying your life moment very well, then you definitely are mindful in your life !

The great thing about life is that you can enjoy the process and experience it truely and learned from it. The knowledge/lesson learned through life is the most precious knowledge you never get anywhere.

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Let The Life Reveal With Its Own Flow

I shall ride the wave of life without any resistance,
To let it brings me to the end of time.
I shall choose to let go of some of the desires,
To purify my heart out of any fire.
I shall see beyond the eternity,
To realize the world is not just what I see.
I shall forget the past but look forward,
To let go of bittersweet memories.
I shall flow with the rhythm of life,
To learn letting go of any desire.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Practice of Surrender

Ishvara pranidhana is not about what your yoga can do for you, but

about approaching your practice in the spirit of offering.

By Shiva Rea (from

When I was an Ashtanga student in Mysore, I loved walking the several blocks to Pattabhi Jois's yoga shala
(school) for 4:30 a.m. practice. In the quiet darkness before dawn, the
side streets would be dotted with the neighborhood's sari-clad women
kneeling upon the earth in front of their homes drawing rangoli, intricate sacred diagrams (also known as yantras)
made by sifting rice flour between the fingers. Sometimes simple,
sometimes elaborate, these offerings to Lakshmi, the goddess of good
fortune and prosperity, were always vibrant-and destined to be erased
as soon as the streets filled with traffic. I was inspired by the
women's dedication, creativity, and lack of attachment to their
beautiful creations. As I became friends with some of the neighborhood women and they taught me a few simple rangoli, I learned that theseofferings are not merely duty or decoration, but creative meditations that invoke a connection to the Divine on behalf of everyone. As one
mother told me with a smile and an expansive wave of her hand, "These offerings remind me of the big picture, which helps me take care of the small things with love."

These morning offerings, like so many everyday rituals in India, embody the yoga practice of Ishvara pranidhana surrendering (pranidhana) to a higher source (Ishvara). Ishvara pranidhana is a "big picture" yoga practice: It initiates a sacred shift of perspective that helps us to remember, align with, and receive the grace of being alive.

Yet to many modern Westerners the idea of surrender as a virtue may seem strange. Many of us have only experienced surrendering to a higher source as a last resort, when we've confronted seemingly insurmountable problems or in some other way hit the edge of our individual will and
abilities. But in the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali transforms "surrender" from this sort of last-resort, emergency response into an essential ongoing practice. Patanjali repeatedly highlights Ishvara pranidhana as one of the five niyamas, or inner practices, of the ashta-anga (eight-limbed) path (Chapter II, verse 32) and, along with discipline (tapas) and self-study (svadhyaya), as part of kriya yoga, the threefold yoga of action (II.1).

For Patanjali, Ishvara pranidhana is a potent method for dissolving the endless agitations of the mind, and thus a means to the ultimate unified state of yoga: samadhi.
Why? Because Ishvara pranidhana shifts our perspective from the obsession with "I" with our narrow individual concerns and perspective that causes so much of the mind's distraction and creates a sense of separation from our Source. Since Ishvara pranidhana focuses not on ego but on the sacred ground of being, it reunites us with our true Self. As Indian yoga master B. K. S. Iyengar states in his Light on the Yoga Sutras (Thorsons, 1993), "Through surrender the aspirant's ego is effaced, and . . . grace . . . pours down upon him like a torrential rain." Like the
descent through layers of tension to rest in the release of Savasana (Corpse Pose),
Ishvara pranidhana provides a pathway through the obstacles of our ego toward our divine nature grace, peace, unconditional love, clarity, and freedom.

The Face of God
To practice Ishvara pranidhana, we must first start with our own intimate connection to the universe. In yoga, this is referred to as your Ishta-Devata. The yogic concept of Ishta-Devata recognizes that we each have our own, personal relationship with and taste of the Divine and that this serves as a powerful means of yoga (unification) for us. Traditionally, many sadhus
(monks) in India have revered the god Shiva in his role as the archetypal yogi. Many other Indians revere Vishnu, especially in his incarnations as Rama or Krishna. Still others are drawn to female manifestations of divinity, like Lakshmi or Kali or Durga. But Sri T. Krishnamacharya, probably the most influential figure in the spread of yoga to the West, advocated that Western yoga practitioners use their own language, imagery, and names of the sacred to deepen their
connection to Ishvara.

I have always been naturally drawn to Indian culture, but I'm sure I was also influenced by my Catholic grandmother's devotion to Mother Mary. When I was a child, I often found my grandma rapt in prayer, saying her rosary while lying on her bed under a picture of the blessed
Mother. Your Ishta-Devata can also take a more abstract form; my father, an artist, describes light as his way of seeing the Divine in nature, in people's eyes, in art. In yoga, Ishvara is understood as being beyond one form yet expressed through all forms, and thus is
often represented as the sacred syllable Om, as pure vibration. Your Ishta-Devata is the form that vibration takes within your own heart.

In the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali refers to this inner presence of Ishvara as our foremost teacher (I.26). Through intimate listening to this voice within us, we begin to have a relationship with inner guidance in all aspects of our life. When I think of my most important teachers, including my parents, I see that they were there not just for the big lessons but also in a thousand small ways, constantly showing me when I was on target or beginning to wander off the path, opening my being to new vistas and reminding me when I was closing myself to life. My experience of my inner teacher is similar: As my attunement to this inner sense of direction grows, it increasingly guides my thoughts, speech, and actions.

The Spirit of Offering
If Ishvara is the inner compass, pranidhana is remembering to stay connected to that essence not just occasionally but throughout the day. Ishvara pranidhana is also translated as "offering the fruits of one's actions to the Divine." As we consider how to make Ishvara pranidhana a
living part of our yoga, it's useful to look to India, where the act of offering pervades the culture. I found living there, even with all its challenges, really helped me understand how Ishvara pranidhana can be integrated into daily life. Throughout India, images of the Divine are
everywhere, and people of all ages are continuously making offerings of fruit, incense, and gestures, from Anjali Mudra (hands together at the heart) to full-body prostrations. At the local fruit stall, the merchant offers the money of his first sale at the altar on his cart;
your rickshaw driver touches the feet of an image of Krishna before zooming off; a neighborhood mother places the first spoonful of the meal before her kitchen shrine. As Ashtanga Vinyasa master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois enters the yoga room, his forehead always shows the
markings of his tilak, the sign that he has made his morning puja (offering). All these practices cultivate an underlying connection with the Source; "Me, me, me" starts to move into the background, and spiritual life moves more front and center.

The Way to Begin
For Americans, who seldom grow up with such a constant ritual life, establishing Ishvara pranidhana may require some extra attention and internal listening, much like the process of learning to take long, slow, and constant breaths in asana. Like breathing more deeply,
Ishvara pranidhana shouldn't feel strange or uncomfortable. The practice isn't really foreign to anyone, although it may feel a bit unfamiliar to Westerners. Anybody, regardless of spiritual orientation, can practice Ishvara pranidhana, and any action can be enhanced by this
practice. There is no inner state, emotion, or obstacle that is beyond the positive influence of Ishvara pranidhana. Remember, whether you are a natural bhakti (devotional) yogi or a complete skeptic, whether you are undertaking a simple act like cooking a meal or a challenging task like a difficult conversation, whether your state of mind is Joyous or confused, the whole mandala of life is the realm of Ishvara pranidhana.

Because the scope of Ishvara pranidhana is so vast, Western yoga practitioners often welcome a few practical guidelines to help them get started. Here are some arenas in which I've found Ishvara pranidhana to be especially useful: at the beginning of any action, as a way of shifting your perspective when faced with difficulty, and as a method for experiencing fully the simple acts of life. The yoga mat or meditation cushion is a wonderful "safe space," a "closed course," on
which you can test drive Ishvara pranidhana. As with any action in the world, the way you begin your practice can make a huge difference in how your yoga flows. Inner listening, setting your intention, chanting, and visualization are all formal ways of initiating Ishvara pranidhana.
I often begin my practice stretched out on my belly in full prostration, visualizing the lotus feet of the Goddess, my Ishta-Devata, in front of me. I breathe and empty the residue of the day and find that I am soon filled with an intuitive sense of direction, inspiration, and clarity that I experience as an inner compass, a teacher whose presence deepens throughout the practice.
Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) can also be a method of Ishvara pranidhana; in its origins, it was a moving prayer in which every breath offered the yogi's energy back to the sun.

As you practice asana, you can start treating challenging yoga posesas microcosms of life's difficulties, and thus great opportunities topractice the art of offering. In my own practice, I am becoming more and more able to recognize tension as a signal; holding and gripping are signs that my connection with Ishvara pranidhana is lessening. As Ioffer my tension back to the Source, emptying and surrendering again, Ivery often experience a boost of strength or a deepening of my breathand flexibility. Even more importantly, I experience a shift from my small, crowded inner world to a big picture of being alive. Then, as with the Mysore women's rice-flour offerings, the grace from theprocess remains even when the pose has dissolved.Because Ishvara pranidhana connects every action to its sacred source, Krishnamacharya is said to have described it as the most important yoga practice for the Kali Yuga we live in, an "Iron Age" in
which all humanity has fallen away from grace. Just as the Buddhist commitment to bringing awareness to every action is called mindfulness practice, Ishvara pranidhana could be called "heartfulness" practice; it awakens our constant devotion to the Source of life and keeps our
hearts open to the Divine in every moment, no matter what arises.

Shiva Rea lives in Malibu, California. She can be reached at

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Some Inspiring Quotes

"If you can walk you can dance, if you can talk you can sing"
-- Zimbabwean Proverb

"When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality."
-- Dom Helder Camara

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."
-- Abraham Lincoln

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."
-- George Eliot

"No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent."
-- Billy Sunday

Friday, April 2, 2010

Way Back To Love Lyrics - One of My Favourite

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

[Cora & Alex]
All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's gotta be something for my soul somewhere

[Way Back into Love lyrics on]

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

[Cora & Alex]
All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

[Cora & Alex]
All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Freeing Up The Soul, Can You See It ?

I still remember there was once right after yoga class session 2 years back, when I was laying on the mat in Savasana pose, I feel something. I feel there were some kind of energy emitted from each individual laying down, raising up to the roof of the room.  Could this just an illusion ? The energy raised up from each body laying down, and slowly move up. Could this be the soul in each one's heart ? It was so special and I never forget this experience and It is so alive each time when I recalled it back.

Each soul raising up and seems heading to the same direction above all. It was a bliss to be able to have such a special experience which really change my life after that.

Namaste !

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